Linux manuals

A man page (short for manual page) is a form of online software documentation usually found on a Unix or Unix-like operating system. Topics covered include computer programs (including library and system calls), formal standards and conventions, and even abstract concepts. A user may invoke a man page by issuing the man command.


If you type # man man you will get the following result:

The standard sections of the manual include:
 1 User Commands
 2 System Calls
 3 C Library Functions
 4 Devices and Special Files
 5 File Formats and Conventions
 6 Games et. Al.
 7 Miscellanea
 8 System Administration tools and Deamons

Distributions customize the manual section to their specifics, which often include additional sections.

Once the packages are installed on your system all the manual ( man ) pages are present on your system in the folder /usr/share/man/.

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