List all PHP files in a folder and subfolders

It is needed to list all PHP files inside some folder including subfolders. Also we would like to see what files are contained in specific subfolders.

//*Prints PHP files under some folder.*/
function phpFilesList($dir){
	$ffs = scandir($dir);
	$lst = array();
	foreach($ffs as $ff){
		if($ff != '.' && $ff != '..'){
			$file_parts = pathinfo($ff);
			if(!empty($file_parts['extension']) && "php" == $file_parts['extension']) $lst[] = $ff;
			if(is_dir($dir.'/'.$ff)) phpFilesList($dir.'/'.$ff);
	echo $dir . ":::"; print_r($lst);




Here is how the result may look like

		[0] => messages.php
		[0] =>
		[1] => swekey.auth.lib.php
		[2] => swekey.php
		[0] => config.auth.lib.php
		[1] => cookie.auth.lib.php
		[2] => http.auth.lib.php
		[3] => signon.auth.lib.php

Lastly here is the function that extracts php files full paths for the files in a folder:

public function php_files_array($dir){
  $ffs = scandir($dir);
  $a = array();

  foreach($ffs as $ff){
    if($ff != '.' && $ff != '..'){
    $file_parts = pathinfo($ff);
    if(!empty($file_parts['extension']) && "php" == $file_parts['extension']) 
      $a[] = $dir . "/" . $ff;
      $a = array_merge($a, $this->php_files_array($dir.'/'.$ff));
  return $a;	

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